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TDWJC is led by eight elected officers:

1st Vice President (Communications)
2nd Vice President (Membership & Program)
Board Members (three):
—Elections Chair
—Scholarship Chair
—Audit Chair

 To message any officer, please use the Contact form.

Texas Democratic Women of Johnson County

We invite all members to join a committee.  As a member of a committee, you can take a leading role, or work on small projects here and there, depending on your schedule and availability.  We have something for everyone!

Plus, committee work is fun! Joining a committee is a great way to get to know other Texas Democratic Women.


Communications Committee (1st Vice President, Chair)

  • Recruit at least three members to be responsible for (1) website, (2) chapter newsletter, and (3) social media.
  • Maintain and update the TDWJC website.
  • Contact various committee chairs to obtain content for the website.
  • Form relationships with the press and encourage them to write articles about TDWJC.
  • Send out press releases about Johnson County and State TDW activities.
  • Create brochures, flyers, and other printed materials in coordination with other committees.
  • Regularly post items on TDWJC’s official Facebook page, focusing on credible articles and images that promote TDW’s purposes.
  • Take photos at TDWJC events.
  • Research local events of interest to women and suggest attendance at such events as a group.
  • Coordinate TDWJC involvement in Johnson County and surrounding community events, and promote wearing our TDWJC T-shirts at community events.
  • Regularly send the state TDW Communications chair a report of TDWJC activities.
  • Maintain the TDWJC e-mailing system, and send email blasts as directed by the Executive Board.

Membership Committee (2nd Vice President, Chair)

  • Inform people about TDWJC and how they can join.
  • Conduct an ongoing outreach program to contact people who may be interested in joining.
  • Plan and conduct an annual membership drive.
  • Ensure membership brochures and written materials are available at chapter meetings and events, and at various community activities.
  • Maintain accurate membership records in coordination with 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  • Have a sign-in sheet for visitors at meetings, to obtain names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  • Welcome new members and follow up with calls to encourage involvement.
  • Stay in touch with all members throughout the year with calls, emails, cards, etc.
  • Handle check-in at monthly meetings and preside over attendance sheet.
  • Always have membership applications at meetings and other functions, ready to recruit new members on the spot. Make sure applications are completely filled out.
  • Conduct a renewal of members at the end of each year.

Program Committee (2nd Vice President, Chair)

  • Plan speakers and programs for TDWJC monthly meetings.
  • Present the proposed programs to the Executive Board for approval at board meetings.
  • Invite speakers, confirm their attendance for a particular month, provide them with information about TDWJC, act as their main contact, and give the Board and Communications Committee details for promoting the speaker or program.
  • At each meeting, greet the speaker, introduce him/her (or arrange for someone to do the introduction), and assist the speaker out of the meeting afterward, as needed.
  • Write a note afterward thanking the speaker.
  • Provide the Communications Committee with information to post.

Elections Committee

  • This committee shall consist of at least three members, with no maximum number. Anyone may join this committee.
  • The consent of the candidate shall be obtained before placing a name on the slate of officers to be submitted for election.
  • Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

Scholarship Committee

  • Plan and execute fundraising activities to ensure that TDWJC has the necessary resources to fund the chapter’s annual scholarship for a graduating senior in Johnson County.
  • Recruit at least three members to serve on the Scholarship Committee and review applications received.

Audit Committee

  • Conduct an audit annually after the January 15 TEC filing, or when the books are turned over to the new Treasurer.
  • Present a preliminary report of the audit’s results to the President within thirty days of receipt of the records from the Treasurer, and present a full written report to the Executive Board.