Bylaws of Texas Democratic Women of Johnson County
As adopted on June 15, 2018, and amended on July 22, 2020, and June 21, 2023
Sec. 1 – The Chapter shall be known as TDWJC: Texas Democratic Women of Johnson County.
The emblem shall be in the form of a circle encompassing an artistic rendition of the state of Texas in blue with red stars behind/underneath a donkey outline with purple hands reaching up. Outside the circle are the words Texas Democratic Women of Johnson County and inside the circle, under the donkey’s front feet are the initials TDWJC.
TDWJC will promote the increased political activity and influence of Democratic women in Texas politics and government.
Sec. 1 – TDWJC will not endorse one Democrat in opposition to another Democrat.
Sec. 2 – TDWJC will provide training and other support for Democratic women working in party organizations, campaigns, and/or seeking party or public office.
Sec. 3 – TDWJC will work to promote increased representation of women in party organizations and government institutions.
Sec. 4 – TDWJC will promote legislative, executive, and judicial policies that enhance equitable representation of women in party organizations and government affairs.
Sec. 1 – Any Democrat who supports Article III-Purpose and Article IV-Policies of State TDW’s bylaws is eligible to join State TDW.
Sec. 2 – A TDWJC member shall be an individual whose State (TDW) and Chapter (TDWJC) dues are current and who provides the Chapter (TDWJC) with name, current contact information, occupation, and employer.
Sec. 1 – Dues will be set by a vote of the TDW general membership present at the state TDW Annual meeting.
Sec. 2 – Membership dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year (Jan. 1st). Renewing members must pay dues each year to be considered a member in good standing for that year.
Sec. 1 – Local Clubs (Clubs) shall become affiliated with TDW by approval of the TDW Executive Board.
Sec. 2 – To obtain approval, a Club shall send the following to TDW:
a) the Club’s bylaws which should be consistent with those of TDW and contain the Club’s official name. The Club’s name should contain Texas Democratic Women in its title unless exempted by the TDW Executive Board;
b) a list of elected Club officers with phone numbers, mailing and email addresses;
c) the Club’s Application Fee of $50 made payable to TDW.
Sec. 3 – Annual Club dues shall be $40 and are due at the beginning of the calendar year (January 1st).
Sec. 4 – The Club shall collect membership dues in accordance with these bylaws and policies set forth by TDW. TDW’s portion of the member’s dues should be sent to TDW as soon as they are collected along with the member’s name, mailing and email addresses, phone number, fax number, and level of membership, as applicable.
Sec. 5 – For a Club to remain in good standing it shall:
a) keep the Annual Club’s dues current with TDW.
b) ensure that the Club’s bylaws are current and not in conflict with the State bylaws and policies.
Sec. 6 – Should a Club fail to remain in good standing the Club shall be removed from the State TDW organizational rolls. A Club that is removed from the rolls is not permitted to use the name Texas Democratic Women or use the Texas Democratic Women logo or emblem.
Sec. 7 – If a Club’s actions or operations conflict with the bylaws of TDW, the Executive Board of TDW has the right to rescind the Club’s affiliation with TDW at any Executive Board meeting. Any member of a club whose affiliation has been revoked becomes an At-Large member of TDW.
Sec. 1 – TDWJC officers shall be President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) Board Members.
Sec. 2 – A term of office shall be for one year or until their successor is elected.
Sec. 3 – Terms of office begin January 1st. Persons elected and persons leaving office will coordinate with each other and complete the transition of all materials and information pertaining to ongoing events, actions, and position requirements.
Sec. 1 – Only TDWJC members who are in good standing shall be permitted to nominate candidates, vote, and be eligible for office.
Sec. 2 – The TDWJC offices that shall be filled by election shall be: President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) Board Members.
Sec. 3 – Candidates for elected office shall be nominated and names submitted at the October general meeting. At the November meeting a vote shall be conducted and results finalized. New officers will be inducted during the December meeting/celebration/awards presentation.
Sec. 4 – If no person submits their name for an office, the Elections Committee shall nominate a person for that position and submit their name to the membership at the election. At the time of the elections, nominations may be made from the floor provided the candidate gives his/her consent.
Sec. 5 – There shall be no proxy voting.
Sec. 6 – A person who fills an unexpired term greater than six (6) months shall be considered to have served a full term of office.
Sec. 7 – In an election with two (2) candidates on the ballot, the candidate with the simple majority shall be elected. In an election with three (3) or more candidates, the candidate with fifty percent (50%) plus one of the votes shall be elected. If none of the candidates receives fifty percent (50%) plus one of the votes, an immediate runoff election shall be held between the two candidates who receive the most votes.
Sec. 8 – Vacancies in chapter offices and executive board positions shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the TDWJC Executive Board.
Sec. 1 – The President shall:
a) call meetings and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and meetings of the local chapter;
b) represent TDWJC publicly or designate an alternate;
c) appoint standing committee chairs as provided in these bylaws;
d) appoint special committees and non-voting officers as needed with approval of the Executive Board;
e) serve as ex officio member on all committees, except the Elections Committee;
f) set meeting dates and prepare the agenda for each;
g) hire employees with approval of the Executive Board and supervise employees;
h) and perform such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws, or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV.
Sec. 2 – The 1st Vice-President shall:
a) perform the duties of the President when the President is absent;
b) serve as the chair of the Community Outreach Committee consisting of the Webmaster and the Social Media Coordinator with additional members appointed to assist the committee as needed and with final approval of the President; duties as contained in ARTICLE XIII – COMMITTEES;
c) be responsible for the public relations and marketing of TDWJC as directed and approved by the President, including coordinating with the President, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary to ensure a united front, approved financing, and streamlined communications;
d) and perform such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws, or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV.
Sec. 3 – The 2nd Vice President shall:
a) perform the duties of the President when the President and the 1st Vice President are absent;
b) perform such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV;
c) serve as chair of the Membership Committee;
d) develop, coordinate, and finalize speaker opportunities; and
e) ensure meeting place is appropriate, reserved, and prepped (by way of delegation or self).
Sec. 4 – The Secretary shall:
a) be responsible for the minutes of the Executive Board Meetings and General Chapter Meetings, take minutes, and distribute the minutes to all members (in good standing) within one week after said meeting;
b) report attendance of the Executive Board members at Executive Board meetings in the minutes;
c) be responsible for TDWJC’s business correspondence as directed by the President;
d) send out notices to the Executive Board as directed by the President;
e) maintain copies of all records, agendas, minutes, reports, and Resolutions for official records;
f) maintain a current roster of executive board members and chapter members for distribution as directed by the President or the Executive Board; and
g) fulfill such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws, or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV.
Sec. 5 – The Treasurer shall:
a) be the custodian of funds in bank accounts, and pay all bills upon authorization of the President or the Executive Board;
b) submit a written financial report of TDWJC and account for all funds received and disbursed at each Executive Board meeting;
c) provide complete Club and member information to the President, Secretary, and Membership Chair upon receipt of that information;
d) keep an itemized record, in a permanent file, of all receipts and expenditures; and
e) file pertinent forms with the Texas Ethics Commission and fulfill such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws, or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV.
Sec. 8 -The (3) Board members:
a) shall serve on the Executive Board and their respective committee:
1) the Audit Committee
2) the Awards Committee
3) the Elections Committee
b) and fulfill such other duties applicable to the office as contained in these Bylaws, or as prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted in Article XV.
Sec. 9 – At the end of a term of office, all officers shall deliver all TDWJC records to their successor within 30 days.
Sec. 1 – The TDWJC Executive Board shall meet on the 1st Sunday of each month, or as directed by the President.
a) The President or a majority of the Executive Board members may call Special Executive Board meetings with a seven day notice, as they deem necessary.
b) General member meetings shall be held monthly, or as directed by the President. A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present.
Sec. 2 – The TDW State Annual Meeting is held during the TDW State Convention. At the Annual Meeting all members vote on business affecting the TDW organization.
a) Written notice of the date, time and place of the Annual Meeting shall be mailed to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance.
b) A quorum shall consist of a majority of members present.
c) The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to:
1) elect officers;
2) receive reports from the Officers and Committee Chairs;
3) review the financial statements and reports and approve the budget;
4) transact other business that may properly come before it.
Sec. 1 – The TDWJC Executive Board shall consist of eight members. The Executive Board shall be composed of the Officers and three board members.
Sec. 2 – The Executive Board shall set policy for TDWJC, determine its programs, and take all actions authorized or required by these bylaws.
Sec. 3 – No member shall have more than one (1) vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.
Sec. 4 – A quorum shall consist of five (5) Executive Board members. An Executive Board member may participate during the board meeting by telephone or in any online forum as directed by the president. Such member participating by telephone or online shall be included in determining the existence of a quorum.
Sec. 5 – The TDWJC Executive Board has the inherent right to remove/revoke the membership of/expel a board member or general member for reasons deemed necessary by the board including but not limited to dereliction of duties. Said removal/revocation/expulsion is effective upon a majority vote of the board. The TDWJC Executive Board has the right to give public notice that the person has ceased to be a member of Texas Democratic Women of Johnson County.
Sec. 1 – The standing committees for TDWJC shall be Audit, Awards, Bylaws and Policies, Elections, Community Outreach, and Membership.
Sec. 2 – The functions of the Standing Committees shall be to plan and to recommend to the Executive Board policies and programs within their areas of responsibility. Committees shall perform other duties assigned by the Board. Their specific functions shall be:
a) The Audit Committee shall audit the financial records of TDWJC as follows:
1) The committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board at the first Executive Board meeting of the year; and shall consist of a chair and two members. The Treasurer is not eligible to be a member of the committee.
2) TThe Audit Committee shall conduct an audit once a year after the January 15 TEC filing or when the books are turned over to the new Treasurer. The treasurer shall furnish to the Chair of the Audit Committee a record of all accounts, membership lists, income receipts, accounts payable, financial statements, checks and deposit slips.
3) The audit should be conducted within thirty days after the January 15 TEC filing, or when the books (financial records) are turned over to the new Treasurer.
4) The Audit Committee shall present a preliminary report of its results to the President within thirty days of receipt of the records from the Treasurer and shall present a full written report to the Executive Board.
b) The Awards Committee shall solicit requests for award nominations from the TDWJC membership for Outstanding Member, Outstanding Woman Elected Official, Humanitarian, and any other awards decided by the Executive Board.
c) The Bylaws and Policies Committee shall review TDWJC’s bylaws and policies annually and make recommendations to the Executive Board when necessary, and review the Club’s bylaws and policies for compliance with TDW’s bylaws and policies and make recommendations.
d) The Community Outreach Committee, chaired by the 1st Vice President, will consist of the Webmaster and the Social Media Coordinator, with additional members appointed to assist the committee as needed. The committee shall oversee TDWJC marketing and public relations, and facilitate timely communications with all TDWJC members regarding events, issues, and action alerts.
e) The Elections Committee shall conduct the nomination and election of TDWJC officers as provided in Article IX. This will include paperwork, handouts, ballots, and social media announcements (coordinated with the Community Outreach Committee) that pertain to the election. The Elections Committee shall coordinate with the Bylaws and Policies Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and President to ensure compliance with all rules set forth in TDWJC Bylaws.
f) The Membership Committee chaired by the 2nd Vice-President shall work to encourage and welcome new members; foster and support current members; and keep welcome materials and folders, membership binders, and membership forms replenished and available. The committee shall encourage and support membership development programs and activities for TDWJC; and oversee development of financial resources and fundraising needed to maintain supplies for new member recruitment and promotion.
Sec. 3 – The Committee Chairs shall be elected pursuant to Article IX. The Committee Chairs shall appoint members to serve on their committees.
Sec. 4 – Each committee shall consist of a Chair and two (2) or more members. Committee members are appointed for one-year terms and may be reappointed. No person shall serve more than three (3) consecutive years on the same committee.
Sec. 5 – Other committees, standing or special, shall be created by the Executive Board as deemed necessary to carry on the work of TDWJC and their chairs appointed by the President.
The fiscal year shall begin January 1st.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern TDWJC in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that TDWJC may adopt.
Should TDWJC be dissolved by appropriate action of its membership, its funds and other assets shall be given to Texas Democratic Women.
Sec. 1 – The bylaws of TDWJC may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at a regular chapter meeting. Written notice of a proposed bylaw change shall be sent to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
Sec. 2 – Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the Bylaws and Policies Committee, the Executive Board, or by a written petition signed by five (5) eligible members.
Sec. 3 – Proposed bylaw amendments must be received by the Bylaws and Policies Committee at least sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting.