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Photos & Videos 2018

TDW of Johnson County 2018:

Look What We Accomplished!


35 Paid Members
97 Facebook Group members

Total Donations Received (dues, T-shirts, general donations):

Major Expenditures:
$455 to State TDW — supporting Democratic women running for office in Texas
$267 T-shirts — custom Democratic Donkey logo
$700 Postcards and postage — membership and “Vote Blue” drives

Special Guest Speakers:
Joan Ridley — Texas Redistricting
Tiffany Fojtasek — Children’s Advocacy Center of Johnson County
Lillian Scott — March for Our Lives
Sue Spell and Carol Cappa — Tarrant County Stonewall Democrats
Marvin Sutton, Linda Foley, and Kris Savage — Democratic and Indivisible Leaders
Julie Oliver — 2018 Democratic Candidate for Congress
Isabel Fripp and Pat Kriener — Champions for the Environment

Other Highlights:
East Cleburne Community Center’s D.L. Barrett Awards Banquet (setting up and attending)
Texas Democratic Convention (participating as delegates and volunteers)
Men On a Mission’s Juneteenth BBQ (staffing a Democratic booth)
Cleburne Chamber of Commerce Luncheon with Roger Williams (representing Democrats)
Voter Registration Drives (at Hill College and in downtown Cleburne)
Rallies for Beto, Julie, Lupe, Mike, Justin, Joi, Miguel, Kim, Roman, and Kathy!

October 2018 TDWJC Chapter Meeting


Texas RedistrictingOur guest speaker on October 20 was Joan Ridley from Texas Redistricting, who gave a highly informative presentation on gerrymandering. Texas is the seventh most gerrymandered state in the U.S. Gerrymandering silences your voice about how you are governed, and it discourages candidates from running. Joan’s presentation included several suggestions for information and action, including:

• League of Women Voters
• Independent Texas Redistricting
• Common Cause
• Clean Elections Texas
• Public Citizen
• The Brennan Center for Justice

A printable copy of Joan’s PowerPoint presentation is available upon request.

Texas Redistricting
Texas Redistricting

September–October 2018

Voter Registration Drives

Our members who are trained and certified Deputy Voter Registrars registered many new voters during drives held at the Burleson and Cleburne campuses of Hill College from September through early October.

Voter Registration Drives

August 2018 TDWJC Chapter Meeting

TDWJC’s regular meeting on August 18, 2018, featured a special guest speaker: Tiffany Fojtasek from the Children’s Advocacy Center of Johnson County (CAC). CAC provides services to child victims of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, and child witnesses to homicides and other violent crimes. The agency provides forensic interviews, advocacy, medical evaluation and treatment, and therapeutic intervention for child-abuse victims. CAC provides crisis intervention, individual and group counseling, play therapy, court school, court accompaniment, resource referrals, assistance with crime victim’s compensation paperwork, and personal advocacy.

CAC provides crisis intervention, individual and group counseling, play therapy, court school, court accompaniment, resource referrals, assistance with crime victim’s compensation paperwork, and personal advocacy.

Children’s Advocacy Center of Johnson County

Want to make a real difference in the lives of abused or traumatized children? Please consider donating to the CAC. Opportunities include the Center’s Wish List, cash Donations, and the ongoing Capital Campaign.

Texas Democratic Convention

June 21-23, 2018
Fort Worth, Texas

TDWJC made good noise and good trouble as members of the Johnson County delegation at the 2018 Texas Democratic Convention in Fort Worth. We volunteered, cheered, voted, shouted, rallied, caucused, donated, laughed, cried, and came away inspired, energized, and ready to Turn Texas Blue! The pictures here capture a few moments from a jam-packed three days.

Texas Democratic Convention

TDWJC Booth at 2018 Juneteenth Celebration

We had great participation at our TDWJC booth on Saturday, June 16, at the 2018 Juneteenth Parade and BBQ in Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas. Thanks to everyone who made a fine success of it! And special thanks to Men On A Mission (M.O.A.M.) for organizing the event; as well as Rodger B. Isom of Isom’s Morning Coffee for supporting us and taking pictures.

TDWJC Booth at 2018 Juneteenth Celebration

April 2018 Chapter Meeting & March for Our Lives

March for Our Lives

At our April 21 meeting (our first at Spring Creek Barbecue in Burleson) we were honored to welcome Lillian Scott, a high school junior who was a co-organizer of the 8,000-strong March for Our Lives in Fort Worth. Lillian spoke about the Fight for Our Lives movement and addressed some next steps, including a May 5 protest at the National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meeting in Dallas. We also heard from longtime Democratic activist Linda Foley offering insight into “how activism works” within the Democratic Party and at the Texas Democratic Party convention, which will be held in Fort Worth in June. Posted here are pictures from the student-led March for Our Lives and from our April 21 TDWJC chapter meeting with its focus on common-sense gun safety laws.

March 2018 Chapter Meeting

March 2018 Chapter Meeting

For St. Patrick’s Day, we went Green! Isabel Fripp presented a program on solar energy and drip-bucket irrigation. Pat Kriener shared information about the best trees to plant in Johnson County.

Protest Best Contest

TDWJC got ready for the January 2018 Women’s March with a “Protest Best” Contest, at which we made our signs and awarded prizes to the winning designs.

Protest Best Contest